New Orleans Rental Houses and Apartment Homes | Loyola University

Tips and Resources for Renters

Finding a Place to Live
General information on figuring out which place is best for you. What to look for, how much you can afford, and more.

Filling out a Rental Application
What is a Rental Application? Do you need to fill out all of the information requested? Helpful info on the topic of rental applications.

Signing a Lease or Rental Agreement
The steps you should take before and after signing a rental agreement.

Moving into Your New Unit
General information on the first day of your rental term. Information on inspections, the condition of the unit and more.

Common Rental Terms
A list of common terms and definitions you might encounter when renting. Answer to questions like: What is a credit report? What is Renter's Insurance?

2310 magnolia street
(954) 328-6414
2310 magnolia street
New Orleans LA, 70115
Click Here For Details
2 Bedroom / 2 Bath : $2,200/month


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Loyola University New Orleans will not be liable for any special or consequential damages which may result from the use of, or the inability to use, the materials in this service. Loyola University New Orleans not inspect, recommend, or guarantee off-campus housing advertised with this service. Complaints regarding unethical or inappropriate business practices or incidents of discrimination based on race, ethnicity, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, disability, disabled veteran, Vietnam era veteran and medical condition by any landlord, property manager or property owner should be reported to Loyola University New Orleans.